Everything all at Once

The confluence of events was amazing: It was our first St. Paddy’s playing Mainstreet Bar & Grill- a venue we’ve always loved and are always able to draw a great crowd here. Singer Beth and bassist Dale were coming off another show the night before in a different band. Lead guitarist Henry had broken his…

Up to the Subwoofer

Bogart’s Entertainment Center is a venue we love to play: very classy atmosphere, 3-level spacious stage, new lighting, a green room, and a house sound person who calls this Minnesota cover band “his favorite band to mix” The ingredients were there for a fun evening.  The room was full excepting 3 tables.  This venue is…

Home Base

Some places feel like home.  Warm, familiar, and you know everyone.  At least 2 band members frequent Route 47 nearly every Thursday for an open mic night, so walking into the green room, loading onstage, and the hellos to all the regulars felt automatic. There was supposed to be a snowstorm. It didn’t materialize –…

Back into the Groove

We had not played Neisen’s in at least 6 months.  That’s a long time in band life to require one get re-acquainted with the venue, the owner, and the local crowd.  On top of that, it seemed that every notable Minnesota cover band was playing locally that evening, which meant it’s a competition for live…

For the Vets

For the Vets

“Vietnam Vets Legacy Vets Motorcycle Club” is a group we’ve partnered with in the past. Their charitable cause they support is called Operation Zero. It’s a cause that puts together programs to help eliminate veteran suicides. When they asked us to partner again on Veteran’s Day, we jumped at the chance. Of course that meant…