Sometimes things happen where a band is thrown off their rhythm for a bit. This Minnesota cover band is no different. Beth caught a nasty virus that rendered her voice unusable and more devastatingly, our bassist’s beautiful wife passed away after a long battle with cancer. We had to cancel a show and really gather our collective energy. We cannot remember canceling a show over the last decade and not something any band wants to do.

But, we plow forward and Friday’s show at Mainstreet Bar & Grill took on the significance of getting back on the proverbial horse, shaking off the dust and getting back to what we do best.

It was a beautiful summer night. Those are typically NOT something you want to see if you’re a band playing INDOORS in Minnesota. But, the people came to see us anyway. Every table was full by the time we started, and the dancefloor was packed, even as we played the last song. Self-proclaimed Concert Bully Bob brought throngs of people and they danced and partied like true fans. Our bassist was very much alive and where he was happiest- (onstage) and Beth’s voice was back full strength.

We are back. Lookout!