Mainstreet Bar and Grill in Hopkins was up next on our event schedule, and we were excited to play in this cozy, yet expansive and well-known entertainment establishment. Every table and half the barstools were taken by the time we started. The dancefloor slowly came to life mid first set. After all, it was the second darkest day of the year in Minnesota and people were shaking off a recent cold snap. But shake it off, they did! The band was adorned in holiday colors, and we enjoyed birthdays and bachelorette parties in the audience. A couple fans even got to dance with Mark on the floor, and play some cowbell . Everyone got involved.
The best part of the night? Tommy Kramer, #9 former Minnesota Viking was in attendance. Once we announced his presence, fans of all ages ran up to greet the local celebrity. The band got some pics with Tommy and singer Beth even shared a slowdance with him on break. Tommy stated (and friends confirmed) that he prefers country music to rock and pop, but his friends were also surprised when he said he loved the band and he stayed until the bitter end.
What a dream come true for all Vikings fans at Mainstreet. Beth had her “MegaBeth “ custom Vikes Jersey on for set 2 to show solidarity. This Minnesota cover band was even promised some #9 jerseys in the future. It doesn’t really matter if we get jerseys however. The presence of Vikings royalty was enough for us!